Donor budget structures


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Donor budget structures


Donor budget structures are donor-specific templates for Budget structures which you can copy and customise in a project. Use donor budget structures, for example, to centrally manage budget structures that are frequently required for a donor so that they do not have to be set up from scratch for every project that this donor finances.

The table shows already created budget structures. You can create any number of budget structures as templates, each budget structure with a max. of four levels. Each level consists of a code and a name for the level. Each budget structure consists of several Budget lines. You can use up to six budget structures within a project.

Click on a budget structure to open it. After selecting a budget structure, it is displayed on two tabs:


Budget lines

After you have created new donor budget structures, you must copy them to your projects and release them there in order to be able to use them. Only then will they be distributed to WINPACCS Accounting and WINPACCS Cashbook when the projects are republished. Subsequent changes to a donor budget structure do not affect budget structures that have been copied in projects. The template is not linked to the budget structures in the projects.



The budget structure number is assigned automatically and cannot be changed.

Budget structure

The name of the budget structure is shown in WINPACCS Cloud, WINPACCS Accounting and WINPACCS Cashbook wherever a budget line can be selected.

Monitoring of quantities

Indicates whether the budget structure is also used for entering quantities. This function allows you to assign units of quantity to budget lines so that in addition to amounts, quantities can be entered to these budget lines. For example, billed expert days or booked flights can be entered as additional information on a budget line. When creating a budget, you can also enter the planned quantities in such a budget line. In Project controlling, the quantities can be evaluated and the deviation from the planned quantities can be viewed. Only one budget structure can be used for monitoring of quantities per project.

NOTE: This field is only displayed if monitoring of quantities is activated in the organisational settings for Project controlling.




Opens a page on which you can Set up a new budget structure.



Displays the properties of the selected budget structure.


Show archived budget structures

Also shows archived budget structures in the table. To reactivate an archived budget structure, open it and click on Reactivate. Then release the budget structure.