Exchange rate table


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Exchange rate table


Enter the exchange rates in this tab. If you use a preconfigured WINPACCS reporting currency scheme , the exchange rates are already specified and cannot be edited.

Exchange rate table

This table shows the exchange rates sorted by conversion basis (company currency or voucher currency) and by period. Double-click on an exchange rate in the table to open and edit it. Click on Create new exchange rate (New) to add an exchange rate. Delete a rate with the Delete (Delete) button at the end of the line. Use the Table settings to change the display.

Conversion mode

The conversion mode determines when or how often an exchange rate is updated:

Fixed conversion factor

Once an exchange rate has been set, it applies on a permanent basis.

Period-specific conversion factor

The rate is updated for each period.

Flexible reporting period

The rate is valid for a freely defined reporting period.

Voucher currency
(or company currency)

Displays the ISO code of the currency which the exchange rate was entered in.

exchange rate RC / 1 VC

( rate RC / 1 CC)

Displays the conversion rate of the currency to the reporting currency.

exchange rate VC / 1 RC

(or. Exchange rate CC / 1 RC)

Displays the exchange rate of the reporting currency to the currency.


Displays the period for which the rate is valid, if the conversion mode is based on a period.


Displays the starting date of a flexible reporting period.


Displays the end date of a flexible reporting period.

Enter rates

When you click on Create new rate (New), a page opens where you can enter the required data. Select one of the previously created base currencies for which you would like to enter a rate. Enter an exchange rate. The corresponding opposite rate is calculated automatically. Depending on the conversion mode, you still have to select a period or specify the starting and end date for a flexible reporting period. This is omitted in the case of fixed exchange rates. Save your entries.