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  Projects > Opened project > Journals > Journal class: Partner accounting > Belegtyp Nachrichtlich - WINPACCS Partnerbuch //OLD: Voucher type: For information purposes - WINPACCS Partner book >



If your organisation uses partner books for the partner accounting for information purposes in WINPACCS Cloud in order to enter vouchers of a partner for information purposes, a journal of the journal class Partner accounting (with voucher category for information purposes and accounting software WINPACCS Cloud) is automatically created in every project with a partner book. All released vouchers from partner books are automatically imported into such journals. The journal is only available in WINPACCS Cloud and provides these vouchers to the Project controlling . The journal is not available in WINPACCS Accounting .

The tab shows the basic data of the journal. Editing is not possible. This is specified centrally via the corresponding organisational settings.

Master data

Journal number

Three-digit unique identifier for the journal.


Unique designation for the journal.

journal class

Shows the journal class partner accounting .

Voucher type

Displays the for information purposes vouchers.

Accounting software

Shows the accounting software WINPACCS Cloud.

Currency settings

Since the journal contains the vouchers from several partner books with different voucher currencies , the voucher currency Diverse is displayed.