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  Projects > Opened project > Cashbooks >




Enter the basic data of the cashbook in this tab. To do this, click on Edit at the bottom of the page. Then save your entries with Save and release. The data will be forwarded to WINPACCS Cashbook if you publish the project.

Master data


Give the cashbook a unique name.

Cashbook number

Each cashbook is automatically assigned a unique number within the project. You cannot change this number.

Cashbook type

Choose one of the following cashbook types:

Cashbook type



Cashbooks of the Cash cashbook type are used to enter income and expenses from a cashbox.

The balance of this cashbook type may not be negative.

It is not possible to restore cashbooks of this type.

Vouchers can only be changed in WINPACCS Cashbook on the day on which they are entered (Amount in voucher currency and the selection of Expense / income).


Cashbooks of the Bank cashbook type are used to record income and expenses (credits and debits) of a bank account.

You can use the settings to specify whether the balance may become negative.


Cashbooks of the Receivables cashbook type are used to manage unsettled items. Here, income creates an unsettled item, expenses can balance an unsettled item.

NOTE: By the same token, the same amount must also be entered in a cashbook of the Cash or Bank cashbook type. In this case, expenses create a new unsettled item, while income balances an unsettled item.

The balance of this cashbook type may not be negative.


Select the journal in which the cashbook vouchers are posted. Voucher batches that are uploaded from this cashbook are available for downloading in the journal that you select here.

Cashbook for external project

You can work with cashbooks in projects that do not have their own project accounting. In WINPACCS Cashbook you will find the created cashbook when you open the project where the accounting for the external project is kept. When you open the cashbook for the external project, the cost and income accounts, fundings and budget structures of the external project are available in the Enter voucher window in the Assignment and Additional assignment sections. In addition, the project name and the external project number are displayed in the upper left of the window. The entered vouchers are forwarded as a normal voucher batch.

NOTE: This setting is only available if it has been enabled in the Organisational settings.

External project

If you have activated the above setting Cashbooks are used for external projects, select the external project for which the cashbook is kept.

All the projects that have the Active Project status are available that contain a journal for external projects in which the open project (in which you create the cashbook) is allowed to post.

Cashbook for

The field is already completed with WINPACCS Cashbook 2 if you have selected a journal above for WINPACCS Accounting 4.


Select the balance account whose movements are documented with this cashbook.

Only balance accounts that are assigned to the journal, and no other cashbook, are available. Depending on the cashbook type, only Cash, Bank or Receivables sub-accounts are available.


Assign the users who are allowed to enter vouchers to the cashbook.

Person responsible for cashbook

Select an active user who is responsible for the cashbook and is allowed to enter vouchers in WINPACCS Cashbook. All users who are assigned to the project with the user role Project cashier are available.

Cashbook deputy

Select one or two users who are allowed to use the cashbook to the same extent as the cashbook owner in WINPACCS Cashbook. All users who are assigned to the project with the user role Project cashier are available.

Cashbook counter-signatory

Select a user who is authorised to countersign internach vouchers of expenses. Cashbook counter-signatories cannot enter vouchers in the cashbook.

All users are available who have the right to Read projects in the project.

NOTE: The rightRead projects is available in all project-specific standard roles - e.g. Project staff.


Enter the balance of the cashbook here.

Negative balance allowed

Only for the Bank cashbook type: specify whether the balance of the bank account may become negative.

Project cashiers receive a warning if the balance becomes negative, despite the fact that it is not allowed. You can still enter all the vouchers.

Balance carried forward

Enter the balance here, if there is already money in the cashbox at the time you create the cashbook.

Balance limit

If you want to limit how much money can be in the cashbox or bank account, you can enter a limit here.

Project cashiers receive a warning when the limit is exceeded. You can still enter all the vouchers.

Cash account agreement

This section is only displayed for the Cash cashbook type.

Money transports limit

Enter the maximum amount of cash that may be transported.

Limit for deposits and withdrawals

Enter the maximum amount of cash that may be paid out or deposited in the cashbox.

Download cash account agreement

Use this function to download a cash account agreement in PDF format, which contains all the important data and must be signed by the above-mentioned users.


Different functions are available depending on which tab is open.



Creates a PDF document containing the master data of the General tab and the history of the cashbook.



When you finalise a cashbook, no more vouchers can be entered in it.

If possible, always finalise a cashbook with the cashbook transfer data from WINPACCS Cashbook. This will ensure that all the vouchers entered have been uploaded to WINPACCS Cloud before you finalise the cashbook.

You should only close it by force if this is not possible. This could be the case, for example, if the computer on which the cashbook is still accepted is defective, or has been stolen. Enter a date and a reason. Finalising is documented with the date in the cashbook’s history.